- It's okay to feel like you are losing something important when you decide to stop smoking especially if you have smoked for a long period of time. Let the emotions out somehow so they don't build up creating stress you don't want or need. Exercise, writing, yelling, punching a pillow or a stop smoking group where you will feel less alone may help.
2. Keep it simple. Use distracting tools such as deep breathing and twirling a pen or pencil between your fingers to help when your mind and body are feeling out of sorts going without.
3. A concrete way to increase motivation to succeed quitting smoking is to calculate how much money you would save over the years and thinking of a goal to save towards. A car or a vacation are fun to look forward to having.
I bought a Jeep Wrangler with my savings and it's been a fun ride and it feels really good that it was paid for with cash saved from not smoking for nine years (at the time). I'll post a photo soon.
Best Wishes from Someone Who's Been There.