Monday, May 26, 2008

Tips to Quit Smoking-Motto's

One of the motto's most often used in quit smoking message boards is:

"I'd rather be an ex-smoker with an occasional urge to smoke than a smoker with a
constant urge to quit."

The author is unknown to me.

Friday, May 23, 2008

Tips to Quit Smoking

Soon after quitting smoking it is a good idea to have thyroid levels checked. So many people have complained of hypothyroid symptoms and been diagnosed with hypothyroidism soon after quitting smoking that it makes sense to stay on top of it by having it tested.

Doctors use the standard TSH test which can help with diagnosis but for people who may test within the TSH range, their are more sensitive tests called Free T4 and Free T3 that will show if you have a struggling thyroid.

It is possible to have many symptoms yet fall within the "normal" ranges on the tests.
Normal does not always mean optimal though.
Good Luck!

Saturday, May 10, 2008

Tips to Quit Smoking

Motivation by Goal Setting
Use a calculator to see how much money you spend on cigarettes per week and muliply by 52 to get a yearly total.
This total will show you how much money you can save if you quit smoking.
Multiply that yearly total year by year until you get to ten years.
Seeing the numbers in black and white may be a big motivational tool.
What is it you want?
A new car?
A new house?
Good health? Priceless.

Monday, May 5, 2008

Tips to Quit Smoking

Research what is available, how it works, the cost/s involved, how long it can be used and is it workable in your lifestyle.

Some products can cause side effects that may affect your day to day functioning.
You may feel tired and need more rest.
You may feel more energized.

Tips to quit smoking are included in or on most product packaging and many have 800 phone numbers you may call for assistance.

Your personality comes into play also.
A laid back person may not like the extra energy the nicotine patches may create.
An energetic person may not appreciate the calm generated by certain prescription stop smoking products.
A person that has a hard time sleeping through the night may be more affected by the nicotine patches. Enhanced dreaming has been reported by many.
The nicotine gum may not fit in with someone who has extensive dental work.
The nicotine gum and lozenges may not work well for someone who has to speak often, such as a teacher or a phone operator.

One scenario that may come up is being unable to chew the nicotine gum or use another oral nicotine product due to dental work.

On a personal note, I had to have a bad tooth removed while I was using the nicotine gum and was unable to chew for a couple of days so I used a nicotine patch as a replacement. It was not my replacement of choice but it worked well enough that I was able to continue my new life as a
nonsmoker. After a couple of days I was able to resume using the nicotine gum.

Friday, May 2, 2008

Tips to Quit Smoking

A practical way to get through those urges that can hit even if you are using a nicotine replacement product is to cut a plastic straw in two and stuff one of the sides with cotton or tissue.

Draw on it as if it's a cigarette and the sensation is very close to smoking a filtered cigarette when you draw the air through the cotton or tissue and this can be very calming and satisfying.

Some people don't like using an idea that is so much like what you are trying to quit but it really can help you stay with the plan to quit smoking.