Hubby is right at one and one half years quit smoking and he is doing well. We are officially a non-smoking household for the first time since we met almost 40 years ago! (we started young.)
A tip to quit smoking that truly helps is to remember that any withdrawal symptoms are temporary and will not always be an issue. They will change, flunctuate and eventually fade away.
Also, deep breathing helps tremendously especially when a craving hits hardest. Use the breath as if you were inhaling a drag off a cigarette and it will quickly soothe the need to smoke.
Even hold the breath a second if that is how you would normally take a drag and let it out slowly, pushing gently through pursed lips.
This kind of breathing is what we really need when we light up ... it is mimicing that first drag and it will satisfy the need for chest expansion which lessons tension and the need for more oxygen.
It works!
Another tip for quitting smoking is repeating motto's throughout the day such as, "I'd rather be an ex-smoker with an occassional desire to smoke than a smoker with a constant desire to quit".
Best Wishes!!!