While reading from an old journal yesterday I noticed some quit smoking motto's I found helpful when I stopped smoking cigarettes over 15 years ago.
The sayings are true and reliable which means you do have a leg to stand on, a crutch to lean on and a point of view to trust in.
Try it and see. Try it until you find one that sticks and keeps you going through the cravings because the urge to light up will go away whether you smoke or not. These sayings will help you focus on the truth of that statement.
In no particular order:
This Too Shall Pass
This is Temporary
I'd rather be a former smoker with an occasional urge to smoke than a smoker with a constant desire to quit.
One urge at a time
I practiced these while also using deep breathing, nicotine gum and a short straw with a tissue stuffed in it to draw on like a cigarette and the craving to smoke always went away and the time between urges will grow longer and longer until unbelievably you will go for minutes then hours then whole days, months and years without thinking about smoking.
It's true.
I've done it for over 15 years and my husband is now smoke free for over 2 years.
Best to you all!