Thursday, November 13, 2008

Tips to Quit Smoking That Work

I am a former smoker. I've not smoked a cigarette for over ten years after smoking for over 25 years. I was a heavy smoker for the most part.
Even smoked Marlboro reds for a long time.

I say all of that to say this: One of the best tips for me when I stopped smoking was an exercise or process taught to people who have anxiety disorder or panic attacks.

They tell the sufferers to try and not get carried away by their feelings but to let them flow through their body until the feelings have dissipated. To relax and let it happen and that seems to shorten the attack.

The same thing can work for those of us who have strong reactions to quitting smoking. The urge to smoke can feel almost overwhelming at times especially when you first quit.

The tip is to let it flow through. Sit still and suffer the urge. Fully feel the physical and mental and emotional pull of the cigarette until it goes away.

It's called suffering well. You just do it. The thing that is hard to believe is that it will go away.

People who quit smoking or go through anxiety attacks frequently believe that they will always feel that way. That it is unbearable to feel that way.
This proves that is a myth. A myth-belief.

Although it may feel really bad and hard - you can do it.
Try it and see for yourself.

If you give in to it and let it grow and consume you don't despair. Try again next time. Don't ever give up. Trying makes perfect. It doesn't matter how many times you have to try before your time takes.

That is how new habits are formed. By not giving in to the old. By trying something new. Minute by minute if need be. Step by step.

Also, speak with a health professional if this gets hard and you are feeling tired of trying. The stress we generate from trying not to be stressful can be self defeating.

Let it go. Let it go by letting it go through you. Like a wave or a cloud. It will dissipate.

I promise. I did this until I didn't need to do it anymore.
It works.

Best Wishes.

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